I visited the MMU MA show this week as I was passing through the Holden gallery. The exhibition was small and there were only about eight peoples work on display. I particularly liked the design and art direction student, Ya-Nung Huangs work, which consisted of collage and illustration on plane tickets and was displayed in an installation style exhibit. The images that he had drawn were beautifully executed ad overall the piece looked really professional. I liked his work because although it was displayed as an installation piece, it could be transferred to any medium. This is something I would like to mirror in my work, by creating work that a perspective client could see and imagine being shaped into whatever they needed. Another piece of work that I enjoyed was Textiles student Bushra Bodla's work, She had used different papers, materials and wall paper to create wildlife that seemed to be resting on printed wallpaper. The work was very 'intricate' and visually appealing. Although this was a piece of textile work it could easily inspire my work as an artist and designer.
The work I saw at the exhibition really inspired me to make my work look as professional and well finished as possible and gave me new and innovative ways of display styles. It showed me that the boundaries of course description are blurred some what, as a lot of the time it was hard to tell when looking at the work which subject that student studied.
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